This getting out of hand. Now there are two three variables!

let a = 0;

a = a + (""+(""+a[a])[2].charCodeAt()).split("").reduce((b,c) => +b + +c) // a = 1


Let’s start with (""+(""+a[a])[2].charCodeAt()):

  • Here is old trick with undefined - we’ll get it from (a[a]). After that we transform it to string.
  • In the next step, we will get the third letter - "d" - and its code (100). And again, transform it to string.

So, (""+(""+a[a])[2].charCodeAt()) will return "100". It’s time for split and reduce:

  • Splitting string with empty separator will return every symbol as array element - ["1", "0", "0"].
  • Finally, in reduce section, we transform all chars into numbers and add them to each other. 1 + 0 + 0 = 1.